Friday, November 25, 2016

Leftover Smorgasbord

First leftover smorgasbord in the new house!

We finally got the dishes unpacked!

Painting supplies made it really special;)

 It wasn't all leftovers, but there was leftover soup and Thanksgiving leftovers, so I think it counts:)

Starting from the left we have, leftover vegetable soup, sweet potato chili, spring greens + homemade dressing, homemade whole wheat bread, "frog jam" (figs, raspberries,oranges, and grapes), thanksgiving leftovers, and apple cider!

Twas a success!!!!!!

Love from Charlotte (as usual:)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

 Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

I Love fall!!!!

Beautiful view from the new house:)

Love from Charlotte;)